política de privacidade

Privacy policies

LifeGreen wants you to know what information we collect from you and how we use, disclose and protect that information.

This Privacy Policy applies to your access to or use of our sites (including if you are using our site to register as a member or otherwise use our services), mobile applications, and any products or platforms we offer through which we provide services (collectively, "Services").

Dear Customer

Your email will be used to send information about your orders, answer questions, collect anonymous information that may include details such as the type of browser the user uses, the search engine used to reach our site, search patterns, the number of visits to the pages visited and the time of visit to the site and, when you request, to receive exclusive promotions.

Privacy & Security

Respect, quality and commitment! That is why LifeGreen clarifies the entire mechanism of the security and privacy process that you find when entering our site.

We have a commitment to our client to ensure the security of their registered data.

For this reason, we work with advanced technologies and we have the competence of professionals who appreciate the security of our entire system.

We act with strict privacy policies in all our processes, guaranteeing that your registered data is never sold, exchanged or disclosed to third parties.

In order for your data to remain intact, we advise you not to share your passwords with third parties, even if they are friends or relatives.


We use cookies and information from your browsing to trace your profile and thus offer you increasingly convenient and personalized services.

We are working on constant improvement to improve our services, assortment of products, content, navigation.

It is important to remember that the data stored is for the exclusive use of the company and the entire process is automated, not receiving any type of human manipulation. Thus, you have the guarantee that your data will be kept in the most absolute secrecy.

In case of doubts and suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.


All users of this site agree that access and use of this site are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this legal notice and all applicable laws, and that any access or use is at your own risk. The following terms and conditions are subject to change at any time and without notice.

All graphic content, code and software used or incorporated into this website, the order or arrangement and integration of such content, are subject to LifeGreen's copyright. Permission is granted to electronically copy and print copies of the pages of this site solely for non-commercial, and yes, personal, related purposes such as: ordering or purchasing. Any other use of the content of this site, or the information contained herein is strictly prohibited, except with prior written permission.

This site may contain typographical errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or up-to-date.

Therefore, LifeGreen reserves the right to correct any errors or omissions and to change or update information at any time without notice.

Please note that such errors, inaccuracies or omissions may relate to price and/or availability and we reserve the right to cancel, or reject, any request made on the basis of erroneous price or availability information. We are sorry for any inconvenience.